篩選結果 共找出26

The following are types of Key Performance Indicators:?

(i) Return on Capital Employed?

(ii) Gross profit percentage?

(iii) Acid Test ratio?

(iv) Gearing ratio?

Which of the above KPIs would be used to assess the liquidity of a company??


?(i) and (ii) only?


?(iii) only?


?(iv) only?


?(iii) and (iv) only?

?Why would a company want to encourage the use of non-financial performance?indicators??


?To encourage short-termism?


?To look at the fuller picture of the business?


?To enable results to be easily manipulated to the benefit of the manager?


?To prevent goal congruence?

?Michigan is an insurance company. Recently, there has been concern that too many?quotations have been sent to clients either late or containing errors. The department?concerned has responded that it is understaffed, and a high proportion of current staff has?recently joined the firm. The performance of this department is to be carefully monitored.?

Which ONE of the following non-financial performance indicators would NOT be an?appropriate measure to monitor and improve the department’s performance??


?Percentage of quotations found to contain errors when checked?


?Percentage of quotations not issued within company policy of three working days?


?Percentage of department’s quota of staff actually employed?


?Percentage of budgeted number of quotations actually issued?

?HH plc monitors the % of total sales that derives from products developed in the last?year. Which part of the balanced scorecard would this measure be classified under??


?Financial perspective?


?Customer perspective?


?Internal perspective?


?Learning perspective?

A company has the following summarised income statements for two consecutive years.?

Although the net profit margin (net profit/sales) is the same for both years at 10%, the gross profit margin?is not.?

Is this good or bad for the business??

Calculate liquidity and working capital ratios from the accounts of a manufacturer of products for the?construction industry, and comment on the ratios.?


Suggest two separate performance indicators that could be used to assess each of the following areas of a?fast food chain's operations.?

(a) Food preparation department?

(b) Marketing department?

?Give five examples of a financial performance measure.?

?How do quantitative and qualitative performance measures differ??

Choose the correct words from those highlighted.?

?In general, a current ratio in excess of 1/less than 1/approximately zero should be expected.?